Advance Magnetic Resonance Imaging Publications in year 2016
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- C. Chang, E.P. Raven, J.H. DuynBrain-heart interaction: challenges and opportunities with functional magnetic resonance imaging at ultra-high field, Philosphical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathmatical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 374: -(2016)
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- P. van Gelderen, X. Jiang, J.H. DuynEffects of magnetization transfer on T1 contrast in human brain white matter, NeuroImage 128: 85-95(2016)
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- H. Mandelkow, J.A. de Zwart, J.H. DuynLinear Discriminant Analysis Achieves High Classification Accuracy for the BOLD fMRI Response to Naturalistic Movie Stimuli, Frontiers in Human Neurosciense 10: 128-128(2016)
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- P. van Gelderen, X. Jiang, J.H. DuynRapid measurement of brain macromolecular proton fraction with transient saturation transfer MRI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine : -(2016)
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- C. Chang, D.A. Leopold, M. Scholvinck, H. Mandelkow, D. Picchioni, X. Liu, F.Q. Ye, J.N. Turchi, J.H. DuynTracking brain arousal fluctuations with fMRI, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - USA 113: 4518-4523(2016)
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