Core Resource Publications in year 2005
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- T. Li, V.P. Mathews, Y. Wang, D.W. Dunn, W.G. KronenbergerAdolescents with disruptive behavior disorder investigated using an optimized MR diffusion tensor imaging protocol, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1064: 184-192(2005)
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- T. Li, D. Kim, M.E. MoseleyHigh-resolution diffusion-weighted imaging with interleaved variable-density spiral acquisitions, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 21: 468-475(2005)
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- J. Lee, A.C. Silva, H. Merkle, A.P. KoretskyManganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of mouse brain after systemic administration of MnCl2: dose-dependent and temporal evolution of T1 contrast, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 53: 640-648(2005)
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- W. Driesel, H. Merkle, S. Hetzer, S. Zysset, H.E. MoellerReengineered helmut coil for human brain studies at 3T, MRE 27B 1: 64-74(2005)