Functional and Molecular Metabolism Publications in year 2005
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- C.W. Wu, H. SeoEffect of peripheral somatosensory nerve stimulation on improvement of skillful hand functions of chronic stroke, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 87: 351-357(2005)
- F. Hummel, P. Celnik, P. Giraux, A. Floel, C.W. Wu, C. Gerloff, L.G. CohenEffects of non-invasive cortical stimulation on skilled function in chronic stroke, Brain 128: 490-499(2005)
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- C.W. Wu, P. van Gelderen, T. Hanakawa, Z. Yaseen, L.G. CohenEnduring representational plasticity after somatosensory stimulation, NeuroImage 27: 872-884(2005)
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- U. Himmelreich, R. Weber, P. Ramos-cabrer, S. Wegener, K. Kandal, E.M. Shapiro, A.P. Koretsky, M. HoehnImproved stem cell MR detectability in animal models by modification of the inhalation gas, Molecular Imaging 4: 104-109(2005)
- B. Voller, K. Werhahn, S. Ravindran, C.W. Wu, L. CohenImproving hand hypoesthesia in chronic stroke, Annals of Neurology 59: 385-388(2005)
- T.C. Hu, T.F. Christian, A.H. Aletras, J.L. Taylor, A.P. Koretsky, A.E. AraiManganese enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of normal and ischemic canine heart, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 54: 196-200(2005)
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- J. Lee, A.C. Silva, H. Merkle, A.P. KoretskyManganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of mouse brain after systemic administration of MnCl2: dose-dependent and temporal evolution of T1 contrast, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 53: 640-648(2005)
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- A.P. Koretsky, L.S. Talagala, S.D. Keilholz, A.C. SilvaMRI detection of regional blood flow using arterial spin labeling, Cambridge University Press : 119-140(2005)
- O. Speer, N. Back, T. Buerklen, D. Brdiczka, A.P. Koretsky, T. Wallimann, O. ErikssonOctameric mitochondrial creatine kinase induces and stabilizes contact sites between the inner and outer membranes, Biochem J 385: 445-450(2005)
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- B. Ozus, G. Clarke, S.J. Dodd, G. FullertonOrientational dependence of intermolecular double quantum coherence (iDQC) signal from tendon tissue, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 53: 1183-1186(2005)
- C.W. WuPeripheral somatosensory stimulation induced cortical plasticity and its clinical application on functional restoration in chronic stroke, 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 1182: 1-4(2005)
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- C. Du, A.P. Koretsky, I. Izrailtyan, H. BenvenisteSimultaneous detection of blood volume, oxygenation, and intracellular calcium changes during cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in vivo using diffuse reflectance and fluorescence, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism : 1-15(2005)
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- C. Du, A.P. Koretsky, I. Izrailtyan, H. BenvenisteSimultaneous detection of blood volume, oxygenation, and intracellular calcium changes during cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in vivo using photospectrometry, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 25: 1078-1092(2005)
- E.M. Shapiro, S. Skrtic, A.P. KoretskySizing it up: cellular MRI using micron-sized iron oxide particles, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 53: 329-338(2005)
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- C.W. Wu, N. Bichot, J. KaasSomatosensory areas S2 and PV project to the superior colliculus of a prosimian primates, Galago Garnetti-Somatosensory and Motor Research 22: 221-231(2005)
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- L. Sawaki, C.W. WuSomatosensory stimulation enhances use-dependent plasticity in chronic stroke, Stroke 37: 246-247(2005)
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- J.H. Duyn, P. van Gelderen, L.S. Talagala, A.P. Koretsky, J.A. de ZwartTechnological advances in MRI measurement of brain perfusion, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 22: 751-753(2005)
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- J.A. de Zwart, A.C. Silva, P. van Gelderen, P. Kellman, M. Fukunaga, R. Chu, A.P. Koretsky, J.A. Frank, J.H. DuynTemporal dynamics of the BOLD fMRI impulse response, NeuroImage 24: 667-677(2005)
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- T. Andrews, J. Lancaster, S.J. Dodd, C. Contreras-sesvold, P. FoxTesting the three-pool white matter model adapted for use with T2 relaxometry, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 54: 449-454(2005)
- L. Krasnosselskaia, G. Fullerton, S.J. Dodd, I. CameronWater in tendon: orientational analysis of the free induction decay, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 54: 280-288(2005)